
Cornelia with a Bedouin girl

Cornelia with a Bedouin girl

Professional qualifications:

  • training as a potter
  • subsequent training as an occupational therapist
  • completed training and current work in
  • Systemic Family Therapy
  • Body Psychotherapy
  • Transformation Kinesiology

I live in Leipzig and Egypt and work with people, individually and in groups. I lead meditation, and from time to time I do hospice work.

It is my desire in working with people, to accompany them along part of their very personal way, to encourage them to find their own inner truth and unique potential … to help them dare dreaming without the strings attached of the demands of daily drudgery …

Cornelia with Guide

From early childhood on I have been a desert fan and always returned to this special experience of nature. For the past 4 years I have been leading people through the Sinai dessert.
On these tours I am accompanied by Bedouins, nomadic people, who’s hospitality is so beneficial to us.

Thus my guests have the choice to dive into the vastness, silentness and beauty of the dessert and to discover themselves therein.

packed camel

The dessert with it’s inhabitants are my love. I enjoy travelling in simplicity and harsh beauty, shedding my comforts and feeling that sleeping under a terrific starry sky is luxury.
I love when we get the chance to realize what really feeds and enriches us and makes us happy – as a consequence of the falling away of the stimuli of our hectic modern western culture.

… and I love the faces at the end of such a journey.

Your´s sincerely,